Project: Digital Ad Campaign (Ad Design, Copywriting)
Purpose: To advertise West Tenth's catalogue of unique small businesses in various local markets by leveraging the value of community and design trends found on social-savvy Instagram info-graphics.
People: Michael P. Maerlender (Designer)
Ad Set 1: "Affirmations" 

Based on the popularity of horoscopes and motivational quotes on social media, this set uses texture, gradient, icons, and of course, product-oriented affirmation-style copy to appeal to an audience that seeks to be at peace with their world and themselves.
Ad Set 2: "Intersections" 

Rooted in the idea that West Tenth provides the best of many worlds, these simple venn diagrams allow viewers to imagine themselves exactly where they want to be, taking advantage of both the quality and the convenience of local sellers. The non-linear copy formatting also serves as a way to create scroll-stopping moments online.
Ad Set 3: "For the Rest of Us" 

This set begs the question, "How else would you get great services from people in your area?" By using the humor and relatability of neighborly etiquette, assumptions about what kinds of people can or should hire in-home help are broken down, making way for great new experiences.
Ad Set 4: "Local Visuals" 

When it comes to the appeal of local business, a concrete visual connection is key. This set puts the sellers on West Tenth front and center, allowing viewers to create emotional ties by seeing exactly who or what it is they're supporting. Strong photography paired with tight, brand voice-driven copy makes for a complete embodiment of the brand.
Digital ad designs for West Tenth, a dual-sided online marketplace that allows local shoppers to easily book local service providers and purchase products, while helping home-based businesses share their talents, grow their audience, build community, and generate revenue.
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